1. Valérie BASSO Le 12/05/2018
Pour cette 22éme Der, un grand merci à toute l'organisation si dévouée et son Président, elle restera ...
2. Sofi Parenti Le 26/05/2017
Merci Antoine et tous tes bénévoles pour l'organisation de Gourdon. Une course fort sympathique que je ...
3. LOPEZ MAGALI Le 09/02/2017
BRAVO pour la belle organisation de dimanche!!!! Un beau parcours et des bénévoles en nombre et au top ...
4. ALLADIO Hugues Le 11/05/2016
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Ce bref message d'un petit fils et fils de natifs du Pont-du-Loup (la ...
5. thomas Le 07/05/2016
Bonjour a tous, Un grand merci pour cette super epreuve et aux benevoles presents duranttoute la duree ...
6. Nekadi Brigitte Le 06/05/2016
coucou ! j ai passé encore une merveilleuse journée comme chaque année. Non seulement la course de l ...
7. Jean-Michel Le 08/02/2016
BRAVO à tous et toutes, à The Coach Thierry et Solène (qui m' a pas vu quand elle m' a doublé avec Jeanber) ...
8. SEBASTIEN Le 07/02/2016
un grand merci aux organisateurs qui ont bravés les éléments pour nous offrir ce super cross!! A l'année ...
Finish Cornelis (Kees) Vonk, 6883"
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Commentaires (23)
1. Arleneheirm 22/07/2017
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4. Pearlfauth (site web) 03/08/2017
Day ago i read some cool info about Omega 3 foods and now i really wanna buy it. But i'm not 100% sure which pluses will i have. I've got this omega 3 info , and currently i wanna purchase it with lowest price. Any idea?
5. Pearlfauth (site web) 04/08/2017
Yesterday i got some amazing info about Omega 3 stuff and now i really wanna buy it. But i'm not 100% sure which benefits will i have. I've got this omega 3 info , and now i wanna purchase it with lowest price. Any idea?
6. Pearlfauth (site web) 05/08/2017
Yesterday i got some interesting info about Omega 3 stuff and now i very wanna get it. But i'm not 100% sure which pluses will i have. I've found this omega 3 info , and currently i want to buy it with best price. Any idea?
7. Pearlfauth (site web) 06/08/2017
Yesterday i read some shocking info about Omega 3 foods and now i really wanna buy it. But i'm not 100% sure which pluses will i have. I've found this omega 3 info , and currently i want to purchase it with best price. Any idea?
8. Pearlfauth (site web) 07/08/2017
Yesterday i got some cool info about Omega 3 foods and now i really wanna buy it. But i'm not really sure which benefits will i have. I've got this omega 3 info , and now i wanna purchase it with good price. Any idea?
9. Pearlfauth (site web) 08/08/2017
Yesterday i read some interesting info about Omega 3 stuff and now i really wanna get it. But i'm not 100% sure which pluses will i have. I've found this omega 3 info , and now i wanna purchase it with good price. Any idea?
10. Pearlfauth (site web) 10/08/2017
Yesterday i got some shocking info about Omega 3 foods and now i really wanna get it. But i'm not absolutely sure which benefits will i have. I've found this omega 3 info , and currently i wanna get it with good price. Any idea?
11. Pearlfauth (site web) 12/08/2017
Day ago i read some amazing info about Omega 3 stuff and now i really wanna buy it. But i'm not really sure which pluses will i have. I've got this omega 3 info , and now i want to buy it with best price. Any idea?
12. Pearlfauth (site web) 13/08/2017
Yesterday i read some amazing info about Omega 3 stuff and now i very wanna get it. But i'm not 100% sure which pluses will i have. I've found this omega 3 info , and now i want to buy it with lowest price. Any idea?
13. Pearlfauth (site web) 13/08/2017
Yesterday i read some cool info about Omega 3 foods and now i very wanna get it. But i'm not 100% sure which benefits will i have. I've found this omega 3 info , and now i wanna get it with best price. Any idea?
14. Avito777dut 15/08/2017
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15. FannieFrurn (site web) 16/08/2017
Yesterday i got new shocking information about Omega 3 stuff and now i very want to get it. But i want a quality, only premium omega 3 fish oil. I've found this premium omega 3 fish oil link. What do you know about this name?
16. GeorgeWrery (site web) 23/08/2017
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19. AlysonBwe (site web) 18/10/2017
20. AlysonTjn (site web) 25/10/2017
21. ElvaRce (site web) 27/11/2017
22. Asfalt93Kt 07/02/2018
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23. Blago93Ml (site web) 22/02/2018
Предоставляем услуги от ямочного ремонта небольших дворовых территорий до строительства городского паркинга и дорог муниципального и федерального значения.
Строительство дорог в Краснодаре и ЮФО
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Выполнение всего комплекса работ по созданию дорожного полотна любого класса и площади. Демонтаж старого полотна, создание проекта, подготовка грунта, обустройство основания, асфальтирование.
Асфальтирование парковок/двора
Асфальтирование для грузового транспорта
Высокая конкурентоспособность, выполнение работ "день в день", а так же репутация надежного и качественного подрядчика.
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Бетонирование, Установка бордюров, Ямочный ремонт, Разбивка любой сложности осей зданий, сооружений, линейных объектов
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